Tennis.coms eksellente spaltist Steve Tignor virker å være en habil spiller selv. I en fersk spalte forteller han om hvordan det gikk da han bestemte seg for å teste noen gamle treracketer. Den er vel verdt å lese.
Jeg likte dette avsnittet:
I hit the ball well when it was in my strike zone. With my shortened swing, I couldn’t hook shots out wide as easily, but the ball moved through the court more quickly. My extended follow-through gave my slice more bite. Was it the racquet’s material, or the fact that I paid closer attention to form when playing with wood, that made the difference? I couldn’t tell.
Hele artikkelen finner du her. For noen uker siden prøvde jeg min egen ny-gamle treracket for første gang, den artikkelen finner du her.