Intervjuformen spørsmål-svar-spørsmål-svar kan være fruktbar, men også litt slitsom å lese i lengden. Paul Kimmage i The Times er oppført som sports interviewer of the year, og har snakket med John McEnroe.
Det virker litt som han bare har digitalisert notatene sine. Uansett får det fram noen fakta om McEnroe som var ukjente for meg. Les intervjuet The Madness of King John.
McEnroe sier blant annet dette om Federers personlighet kontra Sampras:
There’s no doubt Roger Federer is a genius and he actually seems to enjoy it. I’m amazed at that. How the hell is this guy enjoying this so much? I really respect that. Unlike Pete [Sampras] for example, who didn’t want to be around anybody or talk to anybody and who walked around between points like this [he stands and walks across the floor staring at his shoes], Federer is around the locker rooms for hours talking to everybody. He’s in the NBC production truck and there’s a special on. ‘Oh, can I see it?’ I don’t know how you do that, but it’s very impressive.